The article reconsiders critical reception of three historical novels by Bernard Malamud, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Charles Reznikoff, so as to take issue with Alvin H. Rosenfeld’s assertion that “all novels about Jewish...
EP ID EP52735
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Wojciech Fenrich (2015). Poza deklaracje // Zalety i konsekwencje perspektywy zadaniowej w badaniu kompetencji medialnych i informacyjnych. Kultura Popularna, 3(41),
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Casting a shadow backwards and forwards: the para-Holocaust fiction of Charles Reznikoff, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Bernard Malamud
The article reconsiders critical reception of three historical novels by Bernard Malamud, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Charles Reznikoff, so as to take issue with Alvin H. Rosenfeld’s assertion that “all novels about Jewish...