Prasa szwajcarska o Polakach w dobie I wojny światowej


Among the many subjects discussed in the Swiss press during World War I, one of the most interesting was that of foreigners. It was usually analysed in terms of the impact of their presence on Swiss domestic, foreign or even economic policies. Sometimes, however, these articles had a slightly different purpose; those devoted to Poles were such a case. They were consistent with a widespread propaganda campaign aimed at preparing the public opinion to accept and support idea of the independence of the Polish state. The articles devoted to the Polish issue can be divided into several groups. Chronologically, the first type to appear were reports of humanitarian actions conducted on Polish soil. As this theme was deeply embedded in Switzerland’s ethic, it managed to impress the local readers, thus quickly becoming a foundation of the pro-Polish campaign. Poland’s independence was supposed to prevent the recurrence of the tragic events of 1914–1918, when Poles were often forced to fight against each other, while their country was being ruined by a war conducted in someone else’s interests. Humanitarian issues were therefore raised particularly frequently. The second important group of articles were those devoted to Poland’s eminent cultural and scientific personalities, both living and deceased. They were meant to create a positive image of the Poles, as a nation that brought outstanding individuals to European culture and thus deserved independence and unrestricted development. The third group of articles familiarised the Swiss readers with the Polish political scene, both in Poland proper and in exile. The selective nature of the information provided, as well as the usually favourable narrative, created a relatively positive image of the Polish political class, which was to augur well for the political life of the reborn country. And finally, the fourth group consisted of articles describing the Polish province and the customs of its population, as well as its economic potential. These portrayals often covered important ethnicity-related issues. The coexistence of Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Germans, Belarusians and Russians in the same territory turned out to be an appealing topic for the inhabitants of a multicultural Switzerland, and served as evidence of the readiness of the Polish nation towards building a modern, multinational state. The articles devoted to Poles published during World War I should be perceived as a long-term informational campaign conveying a specific message. The Swiss public opinion strongly supported the idea of Polish statehood, which was most often seen as a crucial factor for the peaceful functioning of Europe in post-war conditions. Such propaganda was carried out by almost all significant Swiss periodicals, although to varying degrees.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Bednarz


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How To Cite

Piotr Bednarz (2018). Prasa szwajcarska o Polakach w dobie I wojny światowej. Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość. Pismo naukowe poświęcone historii najnowszej, 31(1), 122-137.