Purpose: This study investigates the benefts of being perceived as a socially responsible company. The main purpose of the research was to fnd out whether company managers consider that certain aspects of company activit...
Purpose: The aim of this study is to review the effects of psychological capital on employees’ burn
in the work environment. This research is paired with Self-Efficacy Theory, which emphasizes
that the results of eff...
The aim of this article is a diagnosis of the crucial conditioning related to processes of employing in self-government units, which have its real confirmation in management practice. The adopted hypothesis claims that t...
The history of companies that have had market success clearly shows that quality is the sourceof real economic power of modern organizations. Quality management is a way of managing anorganization in which every aspect o...
Andrzej Zawiślak (2007). Prawdy w czasie rzeczywistym (III część). Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 15(2),
32-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-186031
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Benefts of Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement in Companies: The Case of Poland
Purpose: This study investigates the benefts of being perceived as a socially responsible company. The main purpose of the research was to fnd out whether company managers consider that certain aspects of company activit...
The Effects of Psychological Capital on Public Employees’ Burnout: An Example From Turkey
Purpose: The aim of this study is to review the effects of psychological capital on employees’ burn out in the work environment. This research is paired with Self-Efficacy Theory, which emphasizes that the results of eff...
Organizational and legal conditioning associated with employment in self-government units on the example of the city of Łódź
The aim of this article is a diagnosis of the crucial conditioning related to processes of employing in self-government units, which have its real confirmation in management practice. The adopted hypothesis claims that t...
The relationship between organizational and structural changes in the electricity sector and the need to improve the quality of the provided services
The history of companies that have had market success clearly shows that quality is the sourceof real economic power of modern organizations. Quality management is a way of managing anorganization in which every aspect o...
O Lesławie Wasilewskim, pro memoria