Precision (Tenon-Mortise) Attachment For Pier Abutment – A Case Report.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 10
By eliminating future problems like stress concentration and a fulcrum on the pier abutment, longevity of the fixed partial denture can be maintained. An appropriate means of causing a stress breaking action is by use of a precision attachment (tenon-mortise) for adequate dissipation of forces along the long axis of the tooth and not in any other direction. Transfer of shear stresses to the underlying bone is of utmost importance to avoid loosening of the pier abutment over a period of time
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Francis Lucian Lima Fernandes, Dr. SachinHaribhau Chaware, Dr. VibhutiRohit Sachdev, Dr. Madhura Ravindra Sharma
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