Prediction of hazard for soil and groundwater contamination with different classes of pesticides intended to protect oil crops in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine


Depositing in soil, pesticides are able to enter ground- and surface water with their subsequent contamination. The study aimed to perform hygienic assessment of soil and groundwater pollution with different chemical classes of pesticides used for chemical protection of oil crops. Materials and Methods. Field survey was carried out to study migration dynamics of pesticides residual amounts in soil, which were applied by above-ground and aerial methods. Half-life period (DT50) was measured for the studied active substances (a.s.) in soil using mathematical modelling; migration probability was assessed into groundwater using the organic carbon sorption constant (Kos), leaching potential index or Groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) and potential contamination index for ground- and river water (LEACH). Integral vector of the groundwater contamination hazard (R) and integral groundwater contamination index for pesticides (IGCHI) were used to assess the possible their negative impact on human health. Results. It was found that all studied a.s. were rated to moderately (III class) or low (IV class) hazardous pesticides by their stability in soil of Ukraine (exceptpymetrozine, which was rated to hazardous (IIclass) pesticide by its maximum DT50). Strobilurin fungicides had the least migration probability into groundwater while nicosulfuron and dicamba herbicides — the highest one. Picoxystrobin and diflufenzopyr had the average hazard level by integral vector R; they were hazardous and moderately hazardous by IGCHI. Dicamba, difenoconazole and pymetrozine had the high hazard level by integral vector R; they were extra- and highly hazardous by IGCHI. Hazard assessment for the ground- and surface water contamination due to pesticide migration from soil was not the same by different procedures, they complemented each other. To protect oil-bearing crops, preference should be given to pesticides with the least contamination hazard for soil, groundwater and surface watercourses, namely: picoxystrobin, diflufenzopyr and pyraclostrobin.

Authors and Affiliations

T. V. Ruda, M. M. Korshun


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How To Cite

T. V. Ruda, M. M. Korshun (2017). Prediction of hazard for soil and groundwater contamination with different classes of pesticides intended to protect oil crops in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine. Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології, 77(1), 120-129.