Preferencje i wiedza żywieniowa konsumentów w zakresie tłuszczów do smarowania pieczywa
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2012, Vol 33, Issue 1
Vegetable fats are, basic ingredients of the majority of bread spreads products. They play important functions in organism, but their excess and inappropriate composition (high amount of trans isomers and saturated fatty acids) are undesirable. The research aimed at defining the preferences of a group of respondents and their level of knowledge in the field of spreadable fats. It was found that almost all of the respondents (89%) were using fat spreads. They were predominatly using butter (33%), then (27%) different products alternately and vegetable fats as bread spreads (margarines) were preferred only by 18% of them. This may indicate a decrease of respondents’ interest in nutritionally beneficial products made of vegetable fats. Around 90% of the surveyed declared that they don’t check the content of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and essential fatty acids on the packages of products they buy. The described dietary habits of such a large number of people taking part in the research should be considered incorrect and they call for further health education.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Żbikowska, Katarzyna Marciniak-Łukasiak, Sylwia Onacik-Gur
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