Prevalence and Peculiarities of Clinical Course of Chronic Catarrhal Gingivitis in Girls with Menstrual Cycle Disturbances
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 18
Introduction. More than 60.0 % of girls of pubertal period of growth suffered from different disturbances of menstrual functions. It is known that pathological processes in periodontal tissues are diagnosed more often among girls with disturbances of menstrual function comparing to the girls of the same age with regular menstrual cycle. Aim. To investigate the frequency and clinical appearance of the chronic catarrhal gingivitis in girls with disturbances of menstrual cycle and healthy girls. Materials and methods. There were examined 91 girls of 15-16 years in order to study the frequency of periodontal tissues diseases. Examined girls were on the dispansary account in teenager gynecology rooms of Lviv Municipal Polyclinic N 4, 5, 6 and on the treatment in the teenager gynecology department of Lviv Regional Pediatric Specialized Clinical Hospital. Control group consisted of 112 healthy girls of the same age from schools N 1, 7, 19, 91, 21 from Lviv. Diagnostics of periodontal tissues diseases was carried out according to M. F. Danylevskiy’s classi- fication. The colour, relief, the state of the gindival papillae, presence of local irritating factors was determined during oral cavity examination. Pathological changes in periodontal tissues, the stage of process severity were estimated with the help of the following indicis:papillar-marginal-alveolar index; index of bleeding; index of S. P. Ramfjord; complex periodontal index; community periodontal index. Results. Pathological processes in periodontal tissues in girls with pathological course of menstrual cycle (MC) have been studied insufficiently. There were examined 91 girls of 15-16 years with MC disturbances and 112 healthy girls of the same age (control group). It was found that the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in the group of girls with pathological course of MC is significantly higher (87.85 ± 3.15 %), comparing to the control group (53.63 ± 3.36 %), (p < 0.001). Catarrhal gingivitis was diagnosed mostly among examined girls from both groups. The prevalence of catarrhal gingivitis in the group of girls with pathological course of MC is higher (79.40 ± 3.91 %) comparing to the same index of the girls from the control group (50.9 ± 3.37 %), (p ˂ 0.001). It was established that the chronic catarrhal gingivitis prevailed (88.63 ± 3.27 %) among all gingivitis. Hypertrophic gingivitis in girls with menstrual cycle disturbances was diagnosed in 2.79 ± 1.59 % persince and was abcesnt in healhy girls. The periodontitis frequency in girls with menstrual cycle disturbances and healhy girls is 5.64 ± 2.52 % and 2.71 ±1.10 %, accordingfly (р > 0.05). Clinical investigations with using of periodontal indices let us to reveal significantly higher indicis in girls with pathological course of MC comparing to the control group. Conclusions. The prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in girls with a pathologic course of the menstrual cycle (87.85 ± 3.15 %) is significantly higher in comparison with the group of practically healthy girls (53.63 ± 3.36 %). Among gingivitis, the chronic catarrhal gingivitis predominates (88.63 ± 3.27 %). Also periodontal indices are significantly higher in girls with menstrual disorders, compared to practically healthy girls. The results can be used to determine the need of preventive care and treatment for the girls with menstrual disorders). Recived data is a base for determination of need of preventive help and treatment in girls with menstrual cycle disturbances.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Mashkarynets
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