Prevalence of Postpartum Depression and Associated Factors among Postnatal Women Attending At Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Harar, East Ethiopia, 2015/2016


Postpartum depression is a common occurrence which is often undiagnosed when symptoms are not severe and may pro-gress into severe or chronic state if unrecognized and untreated. Being the most frequent form of mental illness in the postpartum period, it can begin as early as two weeks after delivery. It is also the most common complication of childbearing and as such represents a considerable public health problem affecting women and their families. To assess the prevalence of postpartum Depression and associated factors among postnatal women who are attending at Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Eastern Ethiopia, 2016. The study was conducted by using institutional based cross-sectional study design and non probability convenience sampling technique, until the required sample size of 122 was attained. The data was collected by using a structured, pre designed questionnaire from February 22/02/2016-March 22/03/2016. The data was analyzed manually and presented by using frequency table and graphs. A total of 122 postnatal mothers were involved into this study and all of them were analyzed. This study found a prevalence of PPD one week after delivery at HFSUH was 13.11%. Recent pregnancy was reported as unwanted by 2.46% and partner’s support was perceived as inadequate by 19% of the respondents and Caesarian section was 38.52%. Almost all, 95.90 % exclusively breast fed their infants and minor illnesses had occurred to 13.11% of the infants. Premature baby 5.74%, poor satisfactions with medical care 22.13%, family history of mental illness 3.28% were strongly associated with PPD. The other factors such as neonate illness, residence, desired new born sex, hypertension, and hyper emesis had also their own significant association. Educational status, number of birth, age, place of delivery and sex of new born had no significant association with PPD.

Authors and Affiliations

Tadesse Misgana, Tiba Ashani Tiba Ashani, Bilisuma Tadesse, Abayneh Shewangzaw


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  • EP ID EP634976
  • DOI 10.32474/OAJRSD.2018.01.000102
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How To Cite

Tadesse Misgana, Tiba Ashani Tiba Ashani, Bilisuma Tadesse, Abayneh Shewangzaw (2018). Prevalence of Postpartum Depression and Associated Factors among Postnatal Women Attending At Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Harar, East Ethiopia, 2015/2016. Open Access Journal of Reproductive System and Sexual Disorders, 1(1), 3-19.