Prin amendarea legii cu privire la avocatură, ce se urmărește (dorește): implementarea unei reforme structurale veridice și autentice sau a uneia formale?
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 207
This study is designed to overcome the situation created on the issue of admission to the profession of lawyer, to provide initial training of lawyer’s trainees and lawyers, to maintain state registers of lawyers and forms of advocacy, length of professional training, the clear delineation of the attributions of lawyers ‘self-administration bodies, the way of choosing lawyers’ self-administration bodies, etc. Thus, the undersigned launches a proposal for a law ferenda to remedy the situation. In this context, we provide the state authorities with a complex study that would base the acceptance of the legislative proposal of the undersigned, which: 1) would impose a new vision and perception of the law institution by the lawyers themselves and citizens / justices and 2) the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Judicial Reform and Development Strategy in the field of qualified legal aid by lawyers.
Cazul fortuit în legea penală a republicii moldova și a româniei: unele conceptualizări fundamentale
This article is dedicated to a conceptualization of the accident in the Substantive Criminal Law of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. In the realm of this research the author has performed a detailed analysis of the m...
Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a unor amendamente recente operate în Codul penal și în Codul contravențional. Partea II.
In this study it is argued that several recently made amendments to the Penal Code by means of Law no.196/2016, would contravene the provision of par.(2) art.23 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. The analysi...
Elementele de diferenţiere ale infracţiunilor electorale
This article is dedicated to the investigation of the electoral offenses provided for in Title IX – Electoral offenses, art.385-392, from the new Criminal Code of Romania, in terms of the legal object, the material objec...
Mediul virtual – un spațiu al „legitimării” pentru ademenirea minorului în scopuri sexuale
The recent technological progress has put the society face to face with a new threat: children` online security. It is absolutely necessary to determine the potential dangers that might affect children when using the Int...
Ненадлежащее оказание кардиологической (кардиохирургической) помощи
From intervention in cardiovascular surgery, some surgeons are indifferent result.