Principles of formation and development of clustering systems of the national economy


The article deals with the process of formation and development of clustering systems of the national economy, which ensures the generation of competitive advantages of enterprises, regions and the state as a whole and achievement of their competitiveness, ensuring rapid economic growth, achieving synergy ef-fects, promoting the development of national trade and the formation of a favorable business environment, etc. At the same time, clusterization is considered in the article as a process of creating clusters and other network structures to achieve the goals of these associations by providing appropriate conditions and taking organizational and economic measures by their participants. Clusters are proposed to be considered as open systems, in which material, financial, labor and other resources, separate economic units, institutions, authorities are located at the entrance, and at the output – are products, profit, synergy effect, innovations, etc. The clusters consist of management and managed subsystems. Cluster management bodies may be formed from representatives of a managed subsystem, regional executive bodies or in a mixed form. The achievements of the mentioned advantages in the article are grounded from the point of observing the principles of clusterization as the basic laws, rules and regularities of the formation of cluster entities. The principles of clusterization in the article are summarized in the local (geographic localization, the tightness of economic ties, voluntary association of enterprises and organizations in clusters, systemic, resource support, public-private partnership, etc.), regional (priority of stimulating innovation activity, support of small and medium enterprises, systematic and interrelated with the strategic tasks of the development of related industries, unity and collegiality, etc.) and national (polycentrism, priority, the unity of the economic space, legality, etc.). This classification is aimed at forming a comprehensive understanding of clustering, gaining experience in its implementation, developing processes for the formation of clustering systems of the national economy.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Maslak, K. Doroshkevych, I. Salata


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  • EP ID EP295240
  • DOI 10.15421/nvlvet8613
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How To Cite

O. Maslak, K. Doroshkevych, I. Salata (2018). Principles of formation and development of clustering systems of the national economy. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 20(86), 68-72.