Пріоритети нової енергетичної стратегії україни в світлі європейського геополітичного вектору
Journal Title: European Journal of Management Issues - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 6
The urgency of the problem posed in the article is enclosed in a substantial energy dependence of Ukraine on external sources of supply. The existence of the earlier theoretical and practical approaches to the issue of energy supply is not fully disclose the possibility of finding ways to further diversify sources of energy supply. Therefore, before the Ukrainian government every year there is a problem of choice, not only foreign energy exporter, but the choice of the political and economic vector of Ukraine's movement. The need for Ukraine's accession to the European strategic documents on the development and implementation of renewable energy technologies is currently very relevant. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on examining the factors contributing to the accession of Ukraine to the EU Directive 2009/28 / EC in the way of progress towards renewable energy technologies. To determine the real assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the updated Energy Strategy of Ukraine on the background of escalating crisis in the economy. The scientific novelty of the research is to systematize methodological approaches to the analysis of the current state of power station and renewable components in line with industry needs of the economy. In accordance with the priorities of the updated Energy Strategy of Ukraine are given forecasts recovery in energy reserves and consider the possibility of early achievement. The practical significance of the results is the ability to use domestic materials economists articles in the field of energy saving and energy supply, which are suitable to accommodate publications, the world's leading journals in various fields of knowledge.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Naumenko
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