Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33
The article is about the problem questions that appears in the judicial practice in case of the change by the court of the appeal instance of the criminal breach qualification without carrying out of the pre-trial investigation and realization in connection with this the principles of the directness research of evidences. The conclusions was made that in case when the court of the appeal instance revalues only one of the evidences, which was received in the court of the first instance, so this is a reason for the directness research by it of all other evidences; the revaluation of the court of the appeal instance of the factual circumstances, which were established by the court of the first instance, and a change because of this of the criminal-law activity, is not a revaluation of the evidences and does not give an obligation for the court of the appeal instance iteratively to make the directness research of all evidences in the criminal case.
The object of criminal encroachment as an element of criminalistics characteristics of the illegal mining of amber
This article is devoted to the investigation of the criminalistics characterization of the object of criminal encroachment in the method of investigation of illegal amber mining. The article analyzes the interconnection...
On the problems of using victimological data in the process of preparing and conducting judicial actions
Article is devoted to development of theoretical bases of the victimological cognition of a person in criminalistics and formation of the scientific and practical criminalistical recommendations for the bodies of the jud...
Щодо поняття і структури реалізації норм кримінального процесуального права
У статті розглянуто проблемні питання визначення поняття та структури реалізації норм кримінального процесуального права. Зроблено висновки про те, що реалізацією цих норм є діяльність усіх суб’єктів кримінального процес...
The complex structure of crime is the basis for improving preventive activities
The qualitative characteristic of crime, which we consider in the article as a statistically ordered plurality of crimes, but not their systems, is its structure. The construction of the latter is carried out in criminol...
On the definition and structure of realization of the criminal procedure standards
The article considers the issues of definition and structures of the realization of criminal procedure standards. It is concluded the realization of these standards is the activities of actualization of the criminal proc...