The following article examines a variety of elements concerning the influence of the English language on the vocabulary and spelling of the IRC chats in Polish and Russian. After a short presentation of the IRC service i...
In this sketch, the author attempts to analyze the spectacle of the Bialystok group PAPAHEMA created on the basis of the drama Bulgakov Molier, or conspiracy of the saints. In the spectacle, the display of biographical t...
Russified words concerning army field have been presented in the given article. They were excerpted from “Tygodnik Ilustrowany”. The author explores all annuals of the questioned newspaper, namely the period 1918–1939. S...
Сергей Григорьевич Голицын (1803-1868) : знакомый Пушкина и Мицкевича
Ангажавнасць кампаравнатывістыкай : (дa 70-годдзя Базыля Бeлaкaзовіча)
Wpływ języka angielskiego na słownictwo i pisownię rozmów IRC w języku polskim i rosyjskim - wybrane zagadnienia
The following article examines a variety of elements concerning the influence of the English language on the vocabulary and spelling of the IRC chats in Polish and Russian. After a short presentation of the IRC service i...
Dramaturgia Michaiła Bułhakowa na współczesnej polskiej scenie. Uwagi o spektaklu Molier. Z urojenia
In this sketch, the author attempts to analyze the spectacle of the Bialystok group PAPAHEMA created on the basis of the drama Bulgakov Molier, or conspiracy of the saints. In the spectacle, the display of biographical t...
Frontowik, gławnowierch, opołczeniec, czyli rosyjska terminologia wojskowa w międzywojennej prasie warszawskiej
Russified words concerning army field have been presented in the given article. They were excerpted from “Tygodnik Ilustrowany”. The author explores all annuals of the questioned newspaper, namely the period 1918–1939. S...