Проблеми застосування кримінального процесуального закону за аналогією у працях М.М. Гродзинського

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Досліджені підходи до проблем застосування аналогії кримінального процесуального закону у працях відомого вітчизняного вченого, засновника харківської школи кримінального процесуального права Моріца Марковича Гродзинського. Базові гіпотези вченого переломлюються крізь призму сучасних проблем, які й досі залишаються невирішеними у сучасній науці кримінального процесуального права та законодавстві. Исследованы подходы к проблемам применения аналогии уголовного процессуального закона в трудах известного отечественного ученого, основателя харьковской школы уголовного процессуального права Морица Марковича Гродзинского. Базовые гипотезы ученого преломляются сквозь призму современных проблем, которые до сих пор остаются нерешенными в современной науке уголовного процессуального права и законодательстве. The approaches to the problems of applying of the analogy of the criminal procedural law in the works of the well-known Ukrainian scientist, founder of Kharkiv school of criminal procedural law, Moritz Markovych Grodzinskyi, were investigated. The basic hypotheses of the scientist are considered through the prism of modern problems, which still remain unsolved in the modern science of criminal procedural law and legislation. Therefore, the clarification of the legal nature of analogy as one of the means to overcome the gaps in legislation and the possibility of applying the law by analogy in criminal proceedings has not ceased to be relevant. The author notes that in view of the modern understanding of the law, based on the increased requirements to the quality of the law, legal certainty, modern advances in legislative technology, the researchers began to return to these traditional problems and examine them at a new paradigmatic level. On the basis of the analysis of modern multidisciplinary scientific approaches regarding the possibility of using the analogy as means to overcome the gaps in regulatory regulation in the criminal process, it is noted that M.M. Grodzinskyi reasonably substantiated the conclusion about the existence of the Institute of analogy in criminal proceedings as the most effective means of overcoming the gaps. The approach of the scientist, who, while studying the application of analogy in the criminal process, focuses on its correlation with the notion of disseminating interpretation; the correlation of such concepts as the analogy of law and the analogy of the statute are disclosed. The author points out that M.M. Grodzinskyi has always associated the use of analogy in the criminal process with the need to comply with the conditions, under which its application is possible. In particular, the scientist defined such conditions: 1) lack of law that directly resolves a particular issue; 2) overcoming of the gap should be in strict conformity with those tasks that are subject to the criminal procedural norms; 3) it is necessary to respect the rights that the criminal procedural law guarantees to the participants in the process.

Authors and Affiliations

О. А. Лейба


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  • EP ID EP293314
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1202493
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How To Cite

О. А. Лейба (2017). Проблеми застосування кримінального процесуального закону за аналогією у працях М.М. Гродзинського. Форум права, 48(5), 224-229. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-293314