Procesualna interpretacja biologii zachowania bioróżnorodności jako dyscypliny naukowej i działu filozofii praktycznej


The widely spread conviction about philosophical interpretations of science claims that such a venture is valuable on the field of philosophical investigations only while very disputable as a part of scientific inquiry. Philosophy of biology generally and conservation biology particularly are good counterexamples and may modulate this view. For example, conservational efforts in Australia and in some parts of India are morę successful than in United States despite the serious difference in funds accessibility and scientific base. One of possible explanation of this fact may designate the difference in the concept of natural environment, the purpose of conservational effort and the axiology of biological values inevitable connected with this part of science. This difference is only partially determined by scientific scrutiny and highly dependant on the philosophical analysis of this particular problem. Author will try to advocate the processual and holistic view of conservational biology and conservational philosophy and present the most important connection between these two fields. The conception of biodiversity and problem of its satisfactory definition will be discussed. Very often conservational efforts are contaminated by so called large vertebrate perspective whereas vertebrate generally constitute only a fraction of total biomass which is one of the most important factors. Ana- logically within-habitat relations are highlighted and cross-habitat relations are neglected in many conservational enterprises whereas habitat-interdependence is a key factor in studies of ratę of pollution spreading and ecological niche construction. Last but not least conservation biology is very often directed toward the conservation of species which are only a result of multiple ecological processes which should be a major point in conservational plans. Author will argue that the key criterion of conservation biology is not only diversity but also disparity (the variety of genotype within species). Without saving disparity biodiversity might be very vulnerable to even minor habitat changes which in normal conditions affect only some population (some genotypes). As a result reduction of disparity could mean reduction of diversity.

Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Rządeczka


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How To Cite

Marcin Rządeczka (2009). Procesualna interpretacja biologii zachowania bioróżnorodności jako dyscypliny naukowej i działu filozofii praktycznej. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 34(), 67-75.