The article is devoted to the painting “Cossack Mamai”, the most popular figure in Ukrainian folk arts of the Romanticism period. In particular, it describes the Cossack’ courage, his image presented as the knight, prais...
In his article Mykola Sullyma analyzes the scientific c and organizational activity of the outstanding scientist Oleksiĭ Myshanych. Together with such researchers as S. Maslov, V. Krekoten, V. Kolosov, Y. Dzyra, Myshanyc...
The article presents an overview of literary and critical works of Bishop Ilarion (Ivan Ohienko) published in his Canadian periodical Faith and Culture (1953–1967) as well as his reviews of new books in literature studie...
In 2015, Todos’ Os’machka celebrated his 120th anniversary. In the paper, the author outlines Shakespearean motifs in T. Os’machka’s poetry and novellas. The concepts of visionaries, apocalypse, and palingenesis (παλιγγε...
Pamięci Profesora Władysława Serczyka (1935-2014)
Образ Козака Мамая в українському Романтизмі
The article is devoted to the painting “Cossack Mamai”, the most popular figure in Ukrainian folk arts of the Romanticism period. In particular, it describes the Cossack’ courage, his image presented as the knight, prais...
Олекса Мишанич – керманич української медієвістики (на відзнаку 80 річниці від дня народження, на 10 річницю від дня смерті)
In his article Mykola Sullyma analyzes the scientific c and organizational activity of the outstanding scientist Oleksiĭ Myshanych. Together with such researchers as S. Maslov, V. Krekoten, V. Kolosov, Y. Dzyra, Myshanyc...
Іван Огієнко (Митрополит Іларіон) – літературознавець і літературний критик
The article presents an overview of literary and critical works of Bishop Ilarion (Ivan Ohienko) published in his Canadian periodical Faith and Culture (1953–1967) as well as his reviews of new books in literature studie...
Шекспірівський метатекст Тодося Осьмачки: художні стратегії візіонеризму, апокаліпсису й палінґенезії
In 2015, Todos’ Os’machka celebrated his 120th anniversary. In the paper, the author outlines Shakespearean motifs in T. Os’machka’s poetry and novellas. The concepts of visionaries, apocalypse, and palingenesis (παλιγγε...