Програмний модуль для створення навчальних засобів з використанням технології Drag-and-drop


The modern learning process is impossible without the use of the latest information and communication technologies. The integration of modern educational and information technologies is becoming an important condition for improving the learning process. From the perspective of training psychology, the use of modern technologies such as Drag-and-drop technology enhances students' work efficiency by reducing the iterative steps of the same type and focusing precisely on the algorithm or method of solving the problem Due to the fact that the implementation of the introduction of new methods of teaching modern teacher requires special knowledge in the field of programming or services programmers, there is a need to develop tools that will allow the untrained user to independently create training programs and tools. The article proposes a method for creating such a programmed environment for the development of educational software systems based on the technology Drag-and-drop and the corresponding software module. The software product offered in the article allows you to create controls – Button, Table, Picture, Text Field. Each control has settings that allow you to perform drag-and-drop actions and other properties of Drag-and-Drop objects. Each of the controls is created in the dialog mode by the user using the special commands of the program menu. The program has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. The practical value of the development - the program module for the creation of training systems using the technology Drag-and-drop, allows a teacher who does not have special knowledge in the field of programming, create educational software independently. This will increase the efficiency of the teacher himself and the quality of the educational process.

Authors and Affiliations

Віра Малкіна, Ольга Зінов’єва, Микола Мирошниченко


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  • EP ID EP452484
  • DOI 10.32919/uesit.2018.02.01
  • Views 106
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How To Cite

Віра Малкіна, Ольга Зінов’єва, Микола Мирошниченко (2018). Програмний модуль для створення навчальних засобів з використанням технології Drag-and-drop. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(2), 8-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-452484