Prospective observational Study: Role of Vitamin D in Sick Newborn
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 12
Objective: To study whether the newborn are having vitamin D deficiency or not , whether their vitamin d level is related to morbidity of newborn or not and their correlation with mother. Methods: This study included 350 sick infants admitted in level III NICU of medical college during the period from February 2015 to January 2016. Blood for neonatal (within 72hrs of admission) and maternal vitamin D levels were obtained from all infants and their mothers at the post partum period at the time of hospital admission. Vitamin D assessment was done by Chemo-immunoassay method. History taking, clinical examination and other investigations needed for diagnosis of Respiratory distress, Birth asphyxia, neonatal seizure, neonatal encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, prematurity, neonatal sepsis, hyper bilirubinemia, coagulation disorder, renal failure were done . Results: For study total of 335 infants were taken from NICU, out of which 155 were found to be vitamin D deficient and remaining 180 had normal levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D level of mother of all infants were taken and compared as per deficient and normal infants. Analysis of studied groups revealed that there was insignificant difference between two groups regarding maternal age (P =0.65), gender of baby (P=0.92), mode of delivery (P=0.50) and rural urban status (P=0.97). It was observed that mothers of deficient neonates also had lower levels of vitamin D. Significant difference in association was found between both two groups regarding all the parameters. Thus it has been concluded that deficient infants has more complains as compare to normal infants. It was observed that duration of NICU stay of deficient babies given therapeutic vitamin D supplementation was significantly less as compared to babies given routine supplementation of vitamin D.
Authors and Affiliations
DR. Nidhi Bhedru, Dr. Mahendra Jain, Dr. Devendra Sareen
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