Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 2
One of it is most information capacious physical indicators soil hardness is. The previous researches in the territory of the natural reserve "Dneprovsko-Orelsky" showed that soil hardness on an oak forest site monotonously increases with growth of depth. The analysis of literary data allows to assume existence of communication between hardness of the soil and an arrangement of trees within a biogeocenosis. Spatial variability of the edaphic of properties in an oak forest in Orlov's valley (the natural reserve "Dneprovsko-Orelsky") have been shown to be explained by some factors. By means of a component analysis it is established that value distribution of hardness of the soil is defined by four factors. These factors are capable to explain 76,63 % of the common dispersion of space of signs. The first factor the most informative – it is described by 54,97 % of the common variation of signs. Other three factors on eigenvalues have small difference. The regression analysis showed that with its help it is possible to explain 49 % of variability of a factor 1. Level of the explained dispersion for to – power of regression for a factor 4 makes 38 %. For a factor 2 this index is equal 23 %, and for a factor of 3–17 %. В работе показана зависимость распределения значений твердости почвы в дубняке в балке Орловой от значений четырех главных факторов.
Authors and Affiliations
В. О. Новікова V. O. Novikova
Еколого-генетичний моніторинг нижньої течії р. Стир за комплексом показників гомеостазу представників батрахофауни
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