Proteinaceous products as alternative protein sources in the diet
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 8
The article considers the possibility of a full–valuable replacement of the usual protein-protein of animal origin — in human nutrition, other foods and/or food components with high protein content, and to explore the possibility of their use in the preparation of human diet. It is noted that humanity needs to find non-traditional sources of protein, as well as their promotion in the food market as a healthy alternative to meat protein, which is most popular. Today, healthy food rations are very popular, as well as various food systems based on the replacement of industrial processing products with more “natural”. Equally gaining relevance and power system — vegetarianism. According to this system, meat products (pork, lamb, beef) are displaced from the daily diet and other sources of amino acids come to their place. When excluding animal proteins from the diet, it is necessary to keep in mind that plant proteins have a lower degree of assimilation than animal proteins, so the choice of different types of protein products during the day is important. In this regard, non-traditional sources of protein, which include: seitan, lentils, peanut paste, hemp seed, black beans, sunflower seeds, almonds, tempeh, quinoa, edamame and tofu, are considered. For these products, their chemical composition and application in the diet are given. A six-dose diet with three main and three additional meals (with a daily protein requirement of 87 g) was developed based on the use of alternative products with high protein content. In the preparation of this diet was shown to reduce or remove from the diet of meat and meat products. The possibility of providing the daily needs of the human body in proteins, without eating animal products, with proper planning of the diet.
Authors and Affiliations
Lidia Berketova, Svetlana Eremina
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