Introduction. The observed increase in cancer morbidity is causally connected with an
increased demand for palliative care services.
Aim. The study aims at analyzing the level of acceptance of cancer in older adults re...
The tomato fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances
whilst retaining low calorific content. Due to its beneficial flavor characteristics and
culinary properties, as well as the high nutrit...
Ewelina Gwóźdź, Piotr Gębczyński (2015). Prozdrowotne właściwości owoców pomidora i jego przetworów. Medycyna Rodzinna, 18(4),
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Acceptance of cancer and its relationship with quality of life of older adults receiving institutional and home palliative care
Introduction. The observed increase in cancer morbidity is causally connected with an increased demand for palliative care services. Aim. The study aims at analyzing the level of acceptance of cancer in older adults re...
Macierzyństwo kobiet chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane (SM) – świadoma decyzja czy niepotrzebne ryzyko? Ocena poziomu wiedzy o chorobie i ciąży kobiet z SM
Wiedza uczniów i studentów z Białegostoku na temat stosowania suplementów diety
Health properties of tomato fruit and preserves made from them
The tomato fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances whilst retaining low calorific content. Due to its beneficial flavor characteristics and culinary properties, as well as the high nutrit...
Akceptacja choroby nowotworowej i jej związek z jakością życia osób starszych objętych opieką paliatywną stacjonarną i domową