Przecinek a sąsiedztwo okoliczników


Main aim of the article is presentation adverbial’s punctuation in Polish. The analysis concerns punctuation instructions framed in spelling dictionaries and punctuation guides spent after 2000 (among others authorships of professor Edward Polański, Jerzy Podracki or Zygmunt Saloni). Different degree of accuracy presented principles, sometimes their inaccuracy, are showing that the problem of the punctuation of adverbials should be subjected to discussion and the standardization. The review of various opinions described at the work is giving an answer to two questions: (1) “Which rules are gaining the universal approval?”, (2) “Which principles are demanding of elaborating?”.

Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Cieśla


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How To Cite

Bartłomiej Cieśla (2016). Przecinek a sąsiedztwo okoliczników. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 17-25.