Przemiany społeczności lokalnej – postęp czy regres społeczny?
Journal Title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
A rather quiet life of the inhabitants of Machów, a small traditional village, located in the district of Tarnobrzeg, was brutally interrupted in the early fifties of the last century. Deposits of sulfur were discovered in the village. As a result, its inhabitants were subjected to the process of resettlement. Although in the initial phase Machów’s inhabitants pposed this decision, eventually they were obliged to change their place of residence. The Narrator, then a 14-year-old boy settled with his parents and siblings in one of the village closest to Machów “to be as close to Machów as possible” as his father claimed. The new place did not arouse the Narrator’s enthusiasm. According to his report he felt like a stranger in the new environment, as he recalled, “it was impenetrable, people were so resentful.” As a grown man, after graduation, he began his career in the sulfur mine and processing plant. Although in the popular opinion the mine transformed the lives of many inhabitants of the surrounding villages, Narrator personally does not see this change as a social progress.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Kutyła
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