Przestrzeń wybrana. Ogrody Eschera w „FUTU.RE” Dmitrija Głuchowskiego (na materiale polskiego przekładu powieści)


The chosen space. The Escher’s garden in Dimitrij Głuchowski’s “FUTU.RE” (based on the Polish translation) Abstract A garden is a unusual space, where material and spiritual need of a human being join. The Escher’s gardens of Dimitrij Głuchowski’s “FUTU.RE” are an example of the imitation of artworks of Maurits Cornelis Escher, a Dutch graphic designer of an exceptional imagination, the most known artist in science. Among his works, one may find many artistic visions of mathematical concepts and objects, as well as other, seemingly not connected with mathematics, however clearly based on its ideas. Polyhedrons, rings, helices or knots of the exceptional beauty constitute the first group. The second are mysterious reflections in unusual mirrors. We may find both with Dimitrij Głuchowski, what is proven in the analyzed text. Also, some hidden meanings of the chosen elements of the garden are discussed and their possible connection.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Darda-Gramatyka


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  • EP ID EP302300
  • DOI 10.24917/16899911.10.1
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How To Cite

Joanna Darda-Gramatyka (2017). Przestrzeń wybrana. Ogrody Eschera w „FUTU.RE” Dmitrija Głuchowskiego (na materiale polskiego przekładu powieści). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Russologica, 10(), 17-28.