Przewlekłe zmiany zapalne zatok przynosowych penetrujące do oczodołu i przedniego dołu czaszki w materiale Kliniki Otolaryngologii PUM w latach 2010–2012
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 1
Among pathologies of sinuses penetrating to the orbit or anterior cranial fossa the most common changes are mucocele of fronto-ethmoid region and much rarely – polyps. The aim of the study is the overview of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of these lesions. 7 patients (4 male and 3 female) in the age of 42–83 were treated for the changes penetrating to the orbit or anterior cranial fossa in the years 2010–2012. All the patients had exophthalmos, ocular movement limitation (n = 4) and diplopia (n = 4). Patients reported head and orbit pain (n = 4), nasal obstruction (n = 1) from the period of 4 month to 2 years. Three patients had previously sinus operations. The patients underwent CT of paranasal sinuses, and in two case also MRI. In 3 cases pathological changes penetrated to the orbit and anterior cranial fossa, in 4 – only to the orbit. In 6 cases the cause was paranasal sinus mucocele, in 1 – the polyps. Surgery was the method of treatment: external approach (n = 6) or FESS (n = 1). The frontal sinus obliteration was done in 4 cases. Wound healing was normal, obtained a good functional and cosmetic result. In one case, after the operation of the frontal sinus polyps, there was the development of mucocele. Surgical treatment is an effective procedure in cases of changes penetrating from sinuses to the orbit and cranial fossa.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Paradowska-Opałka, Maciej Kawczyński, Ewa Jaworowska, Katarzyna Amernik
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