Przyczynek do badań nad kolekcją malarstwa Radziwiłłów z Nieborowa


KONRAD NIEMIRA (École normale supérieure, Paris / University of Warsaw) / A contribution to the research on the painting collection of the Radziwill family of Nieborow The collection of paintings created by Michal Hieronim Radziwill (1744–1831) and his wife Helena Przeździecka (1753–1821) was once considered one of the best in Poland. Unfortunately, due to the dispersion of its significant part in the years 1865–1875, the content of the collection is known only fragmentarily. The ambition of the article is to present a few hypotheses concerning the fate of the works both before they were included into the Radziwill collection and after its dispersion. The first part focuses on the figure of Princess Helena and her interest in painting. The second concerns the purchases made by Michal Hieronim Radziwill in 1788 and in the post-revolutionary period, as well as, in a broader context, the Radziwill’s interest in the Parisian art market. The article also tries to identify a few paintings from the Nieborow collection, which are currently stored in foreign museums (e.g. paintings by Nicolas Lancret and Paulus Potter).

Authors and Affiliations

Konrad Niemira


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How To Cite

Konrad Niemira (2018). Przyczynek do badań nad kolekcją malarstwa Radziwiłłów z Nieborowa. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 50(4), 3-21.