Psychotic disorder in the course of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with subcortical calcifications - case report
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 2
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is autoimmunological disease of connective tissue which is characterized with clinical symptoms of many systems and organs injury. There are often neuropsychiatric symptoms. Psychotic disorder is the least frequent syndrome. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are important because they deteriorate the quality of life and are poor prognostic factor. Aim . The aim of the study is to present the patient with chronic, lasting for many years, skin lesions and laboratory tests results characteristic for SLE, who had psychotic disorder diagnosed as schizophrenia and in the next few years there were observed other neuropsy - chiatric symptoms including cognitive impairment and mood disorder. Conclusions . Psychotic disorder is rare syndrome of neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE). It may primarily originate from SLE or be secondary either to the therapy or the complications of the disease. It is not possible to define if the psychosis is the primary schizophrenic process or secondary to the autoimmune disease in presented patient. However the clinical picture pays attention to the significance of careful diagnostic process, including neuroimaging. In head CT of presented patient there were revealed massive, bilateral, calcifications of subcortical structures which probably substantially enhanced neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Authors and Affiliations
Michalina Malec, Monika Rudzińska, Dominika Dudek, Marcin Siwek, Andrzej Szczudlik
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