Quotations from the Song of Songs and the Apocalypse in Early Modern Ruthenian Homilies on the Feast of the Dormition: between Western Influences and Continuity of Byzantine Models
Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The aim of this study is to investigate a group of nine early modern Ruthenian homilies dedicated to the Marian feast of the Dormition, while focusing on both the liturgical and extra-liturgical sources of their Biblical quotations. One feature of these texts is the presence of such Biblical quotations as Song of Songs 6, 9 («who is she that looketh forth as the morning») and Apocalypse 12, 1 («and there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun») which, while being an integral part of the Latin exegetical tradition of the Assumption, played just a marginal — if any — role in the Byzantino-Slavic liturgical tradition of the Dormition. The use of the Marian imagery modelled on the Song of Songs and the Apocalypse may be ascribed to the influence of either exegetic Comments to the Bible, such as those of Cornelius a Lapide, or Marian homiletic and exegetic literature produced in the West in the late Middle Ages and the Counter-Reformation. On the other hand, the tradition of Hesychasm — especially Theophilos Kokkinos’ Dormition Canon and Gregory Palamas’ Dormition homilies — may well represent a first step in extending the Marian reading of the Song of Songs to the Byzantine-Slavic area. Another question that is addressed in this paper is how the intellectual and ecclesiastical context in the Ukrainian lands, a distinctive feature of which was pluriconfessionalism and its close ties to Western Baroque, influenced the way in which these authors represented Mary.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Grazia Bartolini
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