Radiological Evaluation of Focal Hepatic Lesions.
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 6
Aims & Objectives We aim to elucidate the following objectives in our study, viz. 1) MDCT characterization of different focal hepatic lesions presenting to our hospital. 2) Assessment of Sensitivity & Specificity of MDCT as an imaging modality in diagnosis of focal hepatic lesions. 3) Assessment of Sensitivity & Specificity of USG as an initial investigation in screening & diagnosing of focal hepatic lesions. 4) To study the spectrum of focal hepatic lesions seen in our vicinity. Materials and Methods This hospital based study was conducted in Department of Radio-diagnosis and Modern imaging of PBM Hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan. Data for the study was collected from patients attending/ referred to the department of Radio-Diagnosis. A preliminary ultrasound scanning was done in all cases using GE LOGIQ P5 sonography machine with transducers of appropriate frequency. Color Doppler imaging was done as and when required based on gray scale characteristics. Non-contrast and contrast enhanced CT examination of the patients was carried out, using PHILLIPS BRILLIANCE MDCT 64 SLICE CT SCAN. Scanning protocols were tailored according to the age, weight of the patient and the clinical situation. Imaging findings were correlated with the clinical course of disease and/or surgical/cytological findings as far as possible. The results were subjected to statistical analysis wherever applicable and expressed as percentages. Results We studied 80 cases of focal liver lesions in various age groups. Quite a large spectrum of lesions was found. Out of 80 cases, 16(20%) were metastases from various primary sites, 15 cases (18.75%) were abscesses, 11 cases (13.75%) were hemangiomas, 9 cases (11.25) were HCC, 7 cases (8.75) were hydatid cysts, 6 cases (7.5%) were liver cysts and 16 cases (20%) were other lesions. MDCT has more accuracy in predicting nature of lesion, its localization, extent and exact diagnosis than USG in case of mets, hemangioma and HCC and has comparable accuracy in case of abscess, hydatid cyst and simple cyst. Conclusion The recent advances have expanded the usefulness of CT in the evaluation of focal liver lesions. The advantage of single breath hold acquisition, improved vascular contrast enhancement, increased detection of parenchymal lesions, and multiplanar and three dimentional reconstruction may make it one of the modalities of choice in evaluation of focal liver lesions and should be employed for evaluation of complicated cases, to know exact extent of the lesion and for confirmation of the surgically planned cases.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Deepika Meena
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