Reasons for Studying And Lifelong Learning, Educational Sector In Slovenia

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 1


Background. The size of the older population that needs additional training and education is increasing due to the increasing life expectancy at birth as well as some non-demographic factors, for example, the faster development of technology. One of the most important directives in the area of education within the European Union is the Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, which states that all those living in Europe should have, without exception, equal opportunities that adapt to the demands of social and economic life, so they can actively participate in forging the future of Europe. Lifelong learning is a value which has become an important factor in setting the economic objectives of individual countries. Research aims. The purpose of this small scale research is to determine the reasons for studying and reasons for continuous adult education in addition to what influences the success of individuals in education. Method. We designed a questionnaire and we decide the sample institutions from education sector in Slovenia. In the research, we found that the majority of respondents believe that education leads to a better quality job position. They particularly see the reason for continuous adult education in a desire for additional knowledge. Key findings. From the analysis carried out, we can see that those who have a higher level of education perceive adult training as a voluntary individual choice, a desire for knowledge, whilst those with a lower level of achieved education see training as a necessity to maintain employment. In addition we also found that individual commitment has the most influence on an individual’s success in their achievements in training and education.

Authors and Affiliations

Anica Novak, Aleš Trunk, Nada Trunk Širca


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How To Cite

Anica Novak, Aleš Trunk, Nada Trunk Širca (2015). Reasons for Studying And Lifelong Learning, Educational Sector In Slovenia. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 14(1), 27-36.