Recenzja osiągnięć naukowych w postępowaniach awansowych - między jakością oceny a formalizmem rozstrzygnięć Ustawy 2.0

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2019, Vol 78, Issue 1


The paper presents a normative reflection on the formal requirements for the review, or more precisely the quality of the reviewer's opinion and its justification, regarding the formal assessment in the advancement process in Polish higher education system. The identified problem is multi-dimensional by nature. The author of the article concentrates on the legal aspects and not on the merit. The paper is structured around three main issues. The first one refers to the formal requirements - defined in a new 2.0 Law - regarding the scientific work being reviewed and the candidate for an academic title. The duties of the reviewers are the second issue, while the formal expectations as for the character and content of the review itself are the third one. The author evaluates all these three issues in the context of changes introduced by the 2.0 Law compared with the previous law regulations valid till September 30th, 2018. The methodology applied in the paper is based on the selective comparison of corresponding provisions in both periods (before the introduction of the new law and after its introduction) and the in-depth analysis of both types of regulations. The character of formal and legal requirements considered in the paper apply to being awarded a doctoral or postdoctoral (dr hab.) degree as well the title of a professor.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan W. Wiktor


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  • EP ID EP580735
  • DOI 10.15219/em78.1394
  • Views 57
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How To Cite

Jan W. Wiktor (2019). Recenzja osiągnięć naukowych w postępowaniach awansowych - między jakością oceny a formalizmem rozstrzygnięć Ustawy 2.0. e-mentor, 78(1), 4-10.