Referendum jako wyraz nieufności do mechanizmów demokracji przedstawicielskiej. Polska praktyka referendalna w VI kadencji władz samorządowych
Journal Title: Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne. Seria Nowa - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 2
The article discusses the issue of local referenda on dismissal of local governments, conducted in the 2010–2014 term of office. Although modern elections guarantee the authorities the legitimacy of the mandate, they do not guarantee the legitimacy of their policy. As a result, it is continually tested. Based on collected empirical material, the author writes on the possibility to dismiss the local authorities during their term as an expression of distrust both of them and of representative democracy mechanisms as well, its reasoning and the scale of this phenomenon in Poland in the sixth term of office of local governments. In addition to the analysis of statistical data, the article describes the entities initiating referenda and classifies them. The last part discusses the reasons given when submitting requests for referenda.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Misiak
Recenzja książki Christophera H. Achena i Larry’ego M. Bartelsa, Democracy for realists. Why elections do not produce responsive government (Princeton University Press, 2016)
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Nota redakcyjna do tekstu Juliana Hochfelda