Regiunile secesioniste ca premise de apariţie a terorismului contemporan
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 201
The process of globalisation, battles and hybrid wars of geopolitical influence between the great powers,risks of military nature, as well as a series of asymetric character, influences directly the stability and security of states. Discrepancies development social-economic and interstate competition increase the risk appearance of conflict and the tensions of different natures. The danger of breaking or the outbreak of regional and local conflicts is persisting. Conclude that legislative inconsistencies on certain ethnic minorities, inequality between social classes, because of certain criteria was always primary factors to separatist outbreaks, subsequently to appear some direct or indirect conflicts between “social casts” This study aims to answer at a set of contemporary concerns, generated by expansion and amplifying regional conflicts. Dynamic spread of separatist outbreaks generated by the secessionist regions became worrisome in nowadays. The history demonstrated with regularity that every separatist phenomenon put in danger the most important social values, generating violence and insecurity. The separatism phenomenon generates tension, serves as driving force of the ocurrence of terrorism, unpredictable given its characteristic, difficult to prevent and combat, which boosts research continues and deeper.
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