Reglementarea juridică a serviciului reabilitare medicală în republica moldova
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 205
The protection and realization of the right to health protection must be a primary purpose of the state. For the purpose of adjusting to European and international standards, a lot of progress was made in elaborating a new vision on the establishment of disability in the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the medical-social model, based on the facilitation of the rights of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in the society. The OMS recommends national governments to reform legislation and policy regarding disability-specific services to approach the problem of gaps and barriers of different orders in developing actions in order to overcome them; policy-making and service delivery, including the rules underpinning these services, can help remove these unwanted barriers.
Obiectul infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.278 CP RM (actul terorist)
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Apărarea vieții intrauterine prin norme juridico- penale: absurditate sau necesitate?
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