Реклама і мовні штампи (соціолінгвістичне дослідження)
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
This paper presents the data obtained as a result of socio-linguistic studies which were directed to the determination of the advertisement infl uence peculiarities on the verbal tastes of the modern Ukrainian society communicants . The trends that have been formed in the senses of the Ukrainian speech modern carriers under the infl uence of the advertisement are revealed. The conclusions are as follows: since the beginning of the XXI century advertisement has become a loaded indicator of not only social processes, but also of a national communicative culture component, by creating a great number of colloquial stamps.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Lyudmila Dyadechko
Конотаційні стратегії шиплячих приголосних у відображенні мовної картини світу (на матеріалі українського поетичного дискурсу ХХ-ХХІ ст.)
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Ukraina w esejach Tarasa Prochaśki, Jurija Andruchowycza, Serhija Żadana .
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