Relationship between legislative oversight and Executives’ compliance with principles of leadership and governance: a case study of Makueni County Assembly in Kenya
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 7
Abstract: Legislatures exercise oversight over governments operations to ensure accountability and prudence in the exercise of public duty. Nonetheless, oversight function is often misconstrued as adversarial and fault-finding exercise intended to embarrass governments in exercise of delegated power. This study sought to analyze the relationship between parliamentary exercise of oversight and Executive (government) compliance with principles of leadership and governance to inform on the purpose and spirit of legislative oversight. The study employed a mixed research design of correlational and descriptive research designs. A sample of 71 respondents was used and attained a response rate of 70.4%. A strong positive correlation (>0.70) was established between parliaments’ exercise of oversight authority and Executive compliance with studied principles of leadership and governance. Further, 94% of the variation of oversight authority can be explained by governments’ compliance with principles of leadership and governance. The findings concur with the spirit and the purpose of parliamentary oversight in ensuring accountability and prudence in the exercise of public duty. Keywords: Parliament oversight, County Assemblies, Regional Assemblies, parliaments, legislature, Kenya, leadership and governance, principles of leadership, separation of powers
Authors and Affiliations
ShadrackMusyoki Mutisya, JeconiaOkello Abonyo
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