Relationship between morale and motivation in teamwork environments: A research in the health sector
Journal Title: Journal of Human Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue 1
Hospitals in which wide variety of types of health care services are provided require the work of many professionals working together in a harmony. However, it is possible to provide the harmony by teamwork. For the quality health care, it is a must to keep the morale-motivation at high level of the hospital employees who serve 24-hour continuously. Teamwork, same in all other businesses, is considered as a factor that affects the morale and motivation of hospital employees in a positive manner.The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between teamwork and morale-motivation levels of employees at surgery section of Pamukkale University Hospital in the province of Denizli. For this purpose, hypothesis of the research are determined by considering the theoretical discussions in the literature and research findings. Research hypothesis were tested by using the data obtained from the survey method with 58 employees of Pamukkale University Hospital in the province of Denizli. Descriptive statistical methods, correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Statistically significant relationship between some demographic characteristics of employees and the teamwork environment and morale-motivation level was found in the results. Relation between the teamwork environment and morale-motivation level was measured by correlation regression analysis, and no statistical significance was observed between two concepts. However, a statistical significance was found between the support for sub-dimension of innovation within the teamwork environment-team vision dimension and morale-motivation level.
Authors and Affiliations
Pınar Erdoğan, Adnan Çelik
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