Requirements for the Creation of Bedding Furniture from the Point of View of Ergonomics
Journal Title: Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology; Zeszyty naukowe SGGW - Year 2017, Vol 99, Issue
Requirements for the Creation of Bedding Furniture from the Point of View of Ergonomics. All appliances and equipment, with which it comes into human contact, are adapted to the measurements of the human body. Products would not meet the needs of its users if they did not respect these dimensions. Therefore, industrial production relies on anthropometric measurements as a key factor in the production of any product.Also in the furniture industry, it is necessary to take into account the height, weight, length of human limbs, reach and possibilities of human movement, because these factors influence the creation of bedding furniture.Many studies confirm the secular growth of the anthropometric measurements of the adult population.In the article, based on the current measurements of the adult population, we point out the need to update the dimensions of bedding furniture and mattresses accordingly.
Authors and Affiliations
Miloš Hitka, Silvia Lorincová, PAVOL JOŠČÁK, LENKA LIŽBETINOVÁ
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