Rescue of Illegal Migrants at Sea
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
The problem of illegal migration to Europe by sea has reached unprecedented proportions. According to UN estimates, the total number of third-country nationals who have applied for asylum in the EU countries in 2015-2016 may exceed 1.2 million people. For example, nationals of Syria, Libya, Nigeria, Mali and Gambia are massively emigrating to Italy through the Mediterranean. According to the UN, 4 million inhabitants have left Syria since 2011. Migration by sea entails great risk to their lives. Migrants often try to cross the sea by boats that are unsuitable for long voyages and therefore capsize at the slightest wind. Hereof men, women and children find themselves in the water without any rescue devices, that results in casualties.
Authors and Affiliations
Людмила Пашковская, Ludmila Pashkovska
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