The Organizational and Legal Mechanism of Ensuring the Safety of the Ukrainian Seaport

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


The article is devoted towards the legal principles and process that ensures the safety of Ukrainian seaports. The particular role of seaports for the country’s transportation industry and economy stimulates state's special attention to ensure the safety during its regular operation and has been highlighted as a whole. A review of international, national and local legislative acts, whose standards regulate the mechanism of ensuring the safety of seaports and port facilities has been conducted. The main tasks of the port's maritime safety service have been determined in accordance with the Model Regulations on the maritime safety service of the port, approved by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated August 25, 2011, No. 339. It has been concluded that the organizational and legal mechanism of ensuring the safety of Ukrainian seaports is based on the standards of international agreements and domestic legislation developed on their basis, that takes into account the consolidated practice of protecting such strategic transport hubs as seaports and elaborates on the operation of the maritime security services established therein. The detailed procedure for ensuring the safety of ports takes place under mandatory regulations at concerning seaports, which are approved by the Administration of Seaports of Ukraine and operate in each of them.

Authors and Affiliations

Виталий Серафимов, Vitaly Serafimov, Віталій Серафімов


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How To Cite

Виталий Серафимов, Vitaly Serafimov, Віталій Серафімов (2017). The Organizational and Legal Mechanism of Ensuring the Safety of the Ukrainian Seaport. Lex portus, 5(3), 100-111.