Research-Development-Innovation: Priority in Public Policy of the North Development Region (RDN) of the Republic of Moldova (sociological synthesis of the public policy study)

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2


The article analyzes some aspects ofresearch-development-innovation as a priority of public policy in the North Development Region of the Republic of Moldova. In the socio-economic context of the North Development Region (NDR), conditioned by a multitude of internal and external factors, the only exi-sting solution for regional modernization lies in the reorientation of all institu-tions and the economic ones into the implementation of innovations. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to re-conceptualize the investments in order to create the necessary infrastructure for the scientific research and, the impleme-ntation of the achievements achieved in practice, creating a favorable innovati-on climate.

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How To Cite

(2018). Research-Development-Innovation: Priority in Public Policy of the North Development Region (RDN) of the Republic of Moldova (sociological synthesis of the public policy study). Moldoscopie, 0(2), 11-30.