Resisting the Global Campus: Strategic, Political and Cultural Dimensions Undermining Efforts to Build a Virtual Campus

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2017, Vol 70, Issue 3


Using archival data and news reports, the authors analyze the initiation, implementation and decision to discontinue the University of Illinois's Global Campus for online learning. This case study focuses on the strategic, political and cultural dynamics involved in this attempt at educational innovation.

Authors and Affiliations

Laurel Newman, Deborah Winde


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  • EP ID EP328047
  • DOI 10.15219/em70.1306
  • Views 52
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How To Cite

Laurel Newman, Deborah Winde (2017). Resisting the Global Campus: Strategic, Political and Cultural Dimensions Undermining Efforts to Build a Virtual Campus. e-mentor, 70(3), 55-60.