Responsibility of education for the creation of intercultural dialogue
Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 6
The author points out that the idea of multiculturalism could not produce the expected effects, since the educational mechanisms of intercultural dialogue were not developed. In this context, the responsibility of education for shaping the process of dialogue was introduced. It starts with the abolition of the myth about the fall of the idea of multiculturalism, and ends with the need to revitalize heterology, cosmopolitanism and transnationality. The first part of the text the author emphasizes the problem of marginalization of important problems related to the formation of multicultural societies and, in this context, the responsibility of education for the creation of a culture of peace. Next, attention was paid to the need to give meaning to the philosophy of dialogue, an engagement in internal dialogue in order to "liberate" itself from military thoughts. It pointed out the need for active participation in three types of the dialogue (concerning information, negotiation and creation of humanity and peace). In the final part of the text, the Author emphasizes the responsibility of education for shaping and supporting the development of transnational and transcultural human beings in the ongoing dialogue of cultures. <br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Nikitorowicz
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