Results of the survey carried out with ENT doctors regarding stem cell transplantation and its use in sensorineural hearing loss
Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 4
Objectives: With this study, it was aimed to learn the thoughts and approaches of stem cell usage of our mosque through the feedback (questionnaire) provided by Ear Nose Throat (ENT) specialists and residents in our country.Method: A questionnaire study was planned to learn the knowledge and opinions of the ENT specialists and assistants about stem cell. Permission for the study was taken from the Scientific Committee of the Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (kbbbbcder) and the questionnaire was sent to 5500 members who were registered in the association by e-mail. A total of 122 people attended the survey online with 74 ENT specialists and 48 KBB assistants returning. Results: Of the 122 people who returned to our survey, 74 (60.7%) were experts, 48 were experts (39.3%). All of 11 questions asked were answered. Expert and assistant participant in the survey stated that more than 90% of ENT physicians have knowledge of the use of stem cell therapies in blood diseases. However, they reported that they did not have enough knowledge of stem cell use in hearing loss and other ENT practices and that they did not participate in training programs. Stem cell production and storage are also reported to be lacking in knowledge and difficult for patients to explain satisfactorily. Result: In the field of ENT, it was understood that a roadmap for stem cell applications was not announced in our country and there were significant gaps in the field of education. Invite invited researchers in the stem cell field to the KBB congresses can provide important conferences for the congresses for training purposes and enable our young colleagues who are interested in the field to cultivate and cooperate themselves.
Authors and Affiliations
Ahmet Hamdi Kepekçi, Mustafa Yavuz Köker
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