Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue 1


An “agile” organization is considered as one of the contemporary and basic models to shape and improve an organization. The basic foundation of building an “agile” management in an organization is the knowledge creation and the diffusion process. Knowledge is, in fact, a kind of “lever” of an organization’s development and a source of its widely understood potential. An organization’s “agility” grows from the knowledge management processes and can be identified e.g. in an adaptability of this organization to endo- and exogenous changes. The model of an “agile” organization also requires taking into account the risk criterion. In “agile” organizations the risk is treated there primarily as a source of opportunities, not threats. This is a theoretical and empirical article and its objective is to place the risk criterion in the “agile” organization model, as well as specify the role and importance of this criterion in shaping the development of an “agile” organization. An example of an “agile” organization, of which development is determined by the risk criterion, is McDonald’s Corporation. &e company, operating on a global scale and implementing a horizontal diversification strategy, identifies a range of diversified factors that determine its operation. It can also be assumed that McDonald’s operates in a kind of “network” of the risk factors (i.e. the opportunities/benefits and threats/losses factors). The company uses the risk criterion for creating its potential, using e.g. an integrated approach to risk management, i.e. Enterprise Risk Management (based on a systemic approach), as well as an international expansion strategy, i.e. having regard to the diversity of different markets (as well of the risk factors), and thereby adapting to their needs, requirements and capabilities – which, in turn, is a manifestation of flexibility and adaptability

Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta WEREDA, Jacek Woźniak


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How To Cite

Wioletta WEREDA, Jacek Woźniak (2015). RISK CRITERION IN THE “AGILE” ORGANIZATION. Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania, 10(1), 61-87. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-225278