Robust supersonic aircraft control system
Journal Title: Механіка гіроскопічних систем - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 36
The motion trajectories of an aircraft with solid fuel engine cause a rapid change in flight altitude and velocity. Therefore, for such objects, the application of stationary control laws, obtained without taking into account the sensitivity to the parametric perturbations, is limited to short periods of time. When using a fixed flight path, such control laws can be stored in the memory of the onboard computer. However, this approach is not effective if during the flight it is required to change the motion trajectory depending on external conditions or to change the flight mission. The use of complex adaptive algorithms, imposes strict requirements on system hardware and reduces its reliability. The article describes the synthesis of the supersonic aircraft motion parameters in sensitive control laws. The resulting correction devices provide the required control quality for all possible flightpaths. For their synthesis, the H∞ theory, the 2-Riccati approach is used. The synthesis of the control channel of the center of mass motion and the synthesis of the roll angle control channel are considered in detail. The article contains expressions for quality criteria, their numerical values, as well as the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the system, the weight functions and the numerical values of the corrective devices parameters. The limiting changes of the aircraft motion parameters, in which corrective devices remain operational, are determined.
Authors and Affiliations
A. V. Zbrutsky, V. V. Burnashev
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