Rolul actelor normative extrapenale în perceperea naturii juridice a infracțiunilor de insolvabilitate
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 210
This paper analysis the aspects of the extra penal legislation of offenses under art.252 „Intentional insolvency” and art.253 „Fictitious insolvency” of the Penal Code. The importance of these acts is indubitable, because the offences concerning insolvency creates serious difficulties in their application. The extra penal legislation concerning insolvency represents a complementary tool to the art. 252 and art. 253 of the Penal Code.
Cazul fortuit în legea penală a republicii moldova și a româniei: unele conceptualizări fundamentale
This article is dedicated to a conceptualization of the accident in the Substantive Criminal Law of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. In the realm of this research the author has performed a detailed analysis of the m...
Societatea civilă și organizaţiile nonguvernamentale ca subiecți ai democrației și ai politicii de securitate
The study includes some reflections on non-governmental organizations, as representatives of civil society, seen as a factor for the development and manifestation of democracy, as well as a distinct subject of security p...
Tendințe jurisprudențiale privind stabilirea cuantumului proporțiilor mici în cazurile de sustragere a bunurilor
In the present article it is stressed out that through Law nr.207/2016 the legislator failed to show consistency when establishing the quantum of the conventional unit. Only alin.(2) art.64 of the Criminal Code of Republ...
Menirea şi funcţiile justiţiei în statul de drept
The article includes a study on the specificity of justice in a rule of law. The author aims to elucidate the purpose of justice in a democratic society and to identify the functions that the judicial power performs in o...
Sistemul electoral (majoritar, proporțional sau mixt) optim pentru Republica Moldova
The study is devoted to electoral systems. The author analyzes all existing lecture systems in the Republic of Moldova. This study is designed to overcome the situation created in the issue of the opportunity to amend th...