Rolul actelor normative extrapenale în perceperea naturii juridice a infracțiunilor de insolvabilitate

Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 210


This paper analysis the aspects of the extra penal legislation of offenses under art.252 „Intentional insolvency” and art.253 „Fictitious insolvency” of the Penal Code. The importance of these acts is indubitable, because the offences concerning insolvency creates serious difficulties in their application. The extra penal legislation concerning insolvency represents a complementary tool to the art. 252 and art. 253 of the Penal Code.

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How To Cite

(2018). Rolul actelor normative extrapenale în perceperea naturii juridice a infracțiunilor de insolvabilitate. Revista Națională de Drept, 4(210), 76-79.