Роман И.С. Тургенева « Отцы и дети» в аналитическом дискурсе О. В. Богдановой (О дискурсе первой части статьи)


The basic position with which it is affirmed the legitimacy and urgency of the problem – the specificity of O. Bogdanova’s analytical discourse, her ways of penetrating the deep content of Turgenev’s novel “Ottsy I deti” (“Fathers and Children”) – serves as a fundamental thought: it is important not only what is written, but also how it is written. It is proved that the concentration of attention on the logic of presentation and on its form is equally necessary for reading both literary and scientific texts, including literary works – especially interpretational ones. The closeness of Bogdanova’s methodological approaches to the analysis of the literary text with Chicherin’s methodology, his algorithmization, the sequence of his heuristic actions was examined by I. Kozlik on the material of the scientist’s monograph “Tiutchev’s Lyrics Style” (1975) is underlined. In Bogdanova’s analysis it is accentuated precise tracking the unity of word and image, the image and composition, the composition and ideas of Turgenev’s text, which the researcher reads, in the words of S. Burago, “as if from inside, through the author’s words, “taking into account the context of the author’s era, and that one where the destiny of the reader comes true”. At the same time, it is pointed to the partial application of methods that are not purely algorithmic, revealing “uncodifiable researcher’s skill gained in personal experience” (Ye. Krotov). The successful implementation of the reception of reflection by O. Bogdanova (Paul Feyerabend) is established, thanks to which not only subtextual but also implied meanings are revealed

Authors and Affiliations

Л. К. Оляндэр


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  • EP ID EP433755
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-29-37
  • Views 134
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How To Cite

Л. К. Оляндэр (2018). Роман И.С. Тургенева « Отцы и дети» в аналитическом дискурсе О. В. Богдановой (О дискурсе первой части статьи). Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 29-37. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433755