Root Resorption: A Review of the Literature
Journal Title: Uluslararası Dis Hekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi - Year 2024, Vol 10, Issue 2
Objective: Root resorption is a challenging, complex, physiologic, or pathologic process with many different treatment options and is the loss of tooth hard tissues (cementum, dentin) as a result of odontoclastic reactions. The etiology and pathogenesis are poorly understood, and the most important etiologic factors are trauma, pulpal infection, tooth whitening, and orthodontic treatment. Root resorption is usually asymptomatic; therefore, it is detected incidentally on radiographic examination. Symptoms such as tooth pain, discoloration, and mobility may be observed in the advanced stage. Regardless of its location, resorption is irreversible. Over time, it can cause discomfort to the patient, and in some cases, may result in early loss of the affected tooth, so it must be treated. Knowledge of the causes, risk factors, and mechanisms that lead to root resorption makes it possible to detect resorption early and prevent its progression. Thus, it allows physicians to monitor high-risk patients and make early diagnoses. Anatomical, physiological and pathological etiologic approaches should be considered when classifying. Currently, there is no universal classification for the different types of resorption. This lack of a universal classification of different types of resorption can lead to confusion among clinicians and inadequate understanding of the resorptive processes occurring in teeth, leading to misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment. The aim of this review is to review the etiology, histopathology, clinical presentation, treatment, and management of root resorption and provide clinicians with reliable information and recommendations on the etiology, histopathology, clinical presentation, treatment, and management of root resorption. Conclusion: A simple and terminologically appropriate classification of root resorption based on the nature and location of tooth resorption was made.
Authors and Affiliations
Burcu DENİZ, Sibel KOÇAK
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