Rywalizacja św. Piotra z św. Jakubem według Wojciecha Gajewskiego
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2011, Vol 4, Issue
REC. KSIĄŻKI Wojciech Gajewski, Charyzmat, urząd, hierarchia, Wydawnictwo WAM,Kraków 2010, 273 s
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Spychała
„Czerwonym klinem bij Białych”. Żydowskie inspiracje El Lissitzky’ego
The article focuses on the analysis of the 1919 poster entitled “Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge”. The intention of the text is to demonstrate the artist’s inspirations with Jewish mysticism, messianism and Kabbalah,...
O interdyscyplinarności komparatystyki
The paper is concerned with the theory of comparative studies, addressing the basic ways in which interdisciplinarity of comparative studies is construed (including both the object of comparative studies as well as the m...
Claustra Alpium Iuliarum is a late Roman linear defence system that consisted of walls, towers, and fortresses, and was intended to defend against incursions into Italy from the eastern and northeastern parts of the Empi...
Septimius Severus et Senatores raz jeszcze.
Polemika z Cesarem Lettą (C. Letta, Settimio Severo e il senato, [w:] Epigrafia e ordine senatorio, 30 anni dopo, Roma 2014, p. 127-141)
Między Wschodem a Zachodem: obraz osiemnastowiecznej Rosji w oczach encyklopedystów
REC. KSIĄŻKI Marc Belissa, La Russie mise en „Lumieres”. Représentations et débats autour de la Russie dans la France du XVIIIe siecle, Kimé, Paris 2010, 248 s.